Thursday, January 5, 2012

A New Year, A New Landscape...

By now, we're all quite sick of the old saying " a new year, a new you". We survive the month of Kay Jewelry commercials in December just to be bombarded with self improvement and weight loss commercials in January. However, this year,  I've decided to take the whole improvement theme into my own hands and throw a new spin on an old saying. "A new year, and a new landscape....

container,shrub, walkway, etc" Notice I'm not suggesting tear everything out to start completely afresh (although you can), but allowing you to fill in the blank on what simple task could be done in your own landscape.  As it turns out, our home landscapes are outward expressions of ourselves (kind of like our clothes). And not to add any pressure, but one can say a lot with landscape choices and features. Maybe you've read about a herb gardens for years, but never started on? Maybe you've always wanted  some containers on your patio, or wanted to incorporate a water feature (big or small), or maybe it's adding some native plants to your existing beds?  Why not this year, and why not now resolve to make these improvements to you landscape? 

To the non-garden enthusiast, any landscape task besides mowing the lawn can seem overwhelming, yet with the right planning and guidance anyone can develop their own version of a green thumb. The key is to start planning as soon as possible. Early planning can help avoid any hidden obstacles that hinder so many potentially great projects. Sure, it's January, but now is truly the best time to start planning and get the ball rolling so you will be ready for spring.

Start by making a list of the components of the project. Let's say we want to add a new vegetable garden to our landscape. What really makes up a vegetable garden? Light, water, soil, plants, and the tools to create it.

Light- Where will the bed be located? Does any pruning of trees need to occur for there to be ample light? ( remember: a sunny spot in winter, may be shady as soon as the leaves reappear on trees)

Water- Is the bed near a water source? Maybe you need a longer hose or need to add a sprinkler head?

Soil- I will always recommend a soil test through your local extension agent before creating or modifying your beds. Super easy and one of the most important preparations you can do!

Plants- Decide now what you want to plant. Will the local nursery provide your vegetables or will you star with seeds?

Tools- Do you have a shovel? If you need to do some pruning, are your snips ready? What about gloves? A tiller?

Now after checking off your own project list and as soon as the warm weather hits, you're ready to go!

Some simple brainstorming and game planning in January and February can lead to some beautiful garden results in May and June.

Now, on another new year note there will be some great articles to look forward to. I've expanded the horizons to incorporate Southern tales and spotlights to our gardening and design articles. And now, some hints of what to look forward to in 2012:

Spotlight on home conservation techniques, going green in the new year
Plants that every yard needs, if company is coming
Incorporating vegetables into your existing landscape
What's in season?
Creating the perfect courtyard
Overlooked landscape icons
Garden tool management
Etc, etc, etc

Any thoughts, requests, or inquiries please don't hesitate to email them to me at or tweet them in to @brantleysnipes.

And, finally, if this article has failed to inspire any landscape creativity, Brantley Snipes Landscape Design LLC is now officially up and running and I would be delighted to help! Book now for spring containers and beds.

1 comment:

  1. Very inspirational! Congrats on getting the business up and running.
