Wednesday, December 7, 2011

While Visions of Manger Scenes Danced in their Yards

We all can remember THE gift we wanted when we were little, or the gift we wanted but Santa just seemed to forget it every year...THE gift that got away. Well, while most of my friends dreamed of basketball goals and barbies, I (the future landscape designer) dreamed of the classic, outdoor light up manger scene. Starting at the age of four, I had visions of a light up manger scene gracing my front yard. I can remember being enthralled with the beauty of the pinks, greens, and yellow hues that adorned these classic yard lights. I can also recall the theological debate that would ensue as we rode and looked at the lights along Deer Creek. I would ask if we could have one (for the hundreth time), mom would say "no", and I, playing a pity/religion/get my way card, would reply "but you said we love Jesus, so why can't we have one?"  

And I didn't just want the nucleus of the set, I wanted every piece of the set  from the star you could put on top of your manger to the camels, donkeys and the black wiseman. Basically, I wanted to transform our entire front yard into a manger scene; one that people would make special trip to see and ooh and cooh over until at least Valentine's day, but probably Easter since mine was going to be so spectacular. 

But at the Snipes household, we live by two books: the bible and that month's edition of Southern Living. As in, instead of asking up if our room was clean, the Pegs (as we call my mom) would ask "Is your room clean enough for Southern Living?" As if they would drop in for a photo shoot of our house at any moment. Needless to say that although the manger is included in the bible, I don't believe the light up manger scene was ever included in a December edition. So, I spent November, Decembers, and Januarys pining away over a manger scene that never really happened. The light up manger scene was THE gift that got away. Until my 21st Christmas, when my mom and sister so carefully tucked one away on our courtyard. Although, it was only Joseph, Mary, the Jesus, and an Angel and not part of a complete Christmas landscape in our frontyard...I do now have my own private viewing of my manger scene every Christmas when I come home.

Therefore, as an ode to our Southern neighbors who string, thread, and cover our landscapes with lights, I'd like to showcase the wackiest, classiest and even tackiest of Christmas lights scattered throughout the pines this year. Everyone has their favorite "Christmascape", so pass them along to me so we can get them out there for everyone else to see.  Oh, and if you're wondering if you can even still get a light up manger scene, the answer is oh yes, yes you can... (they provided the photo).

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