Sunday, October 14, 2012

Fall at its Finest

early morning over ms river bridge at helena

Last weekend proved quite the weekend of firsts, of adventures, and a show of the Delta fall landscape at its finest. The weekend began with surviving my first Art Alfresco, Mainstreet Greenwood's annual fall art walk throughout downtown. Following Art Alfredo, as it was deemed due to the talent of the iPhone auto-correct, we loaded up the Q and headed to Helena, Arkansas for my first King Biscuit Blues Festival. And just like any true freshman, I was initiated with freezing temperatures, pouring rain, hours spent camped out at the local Mexican cantina, more ounces of bourbon than I care to repeat, and the absolute time of my life seeing Bonnie Rait live. It rained just too much to capture much of the actual weekend, but when the skies broke Sunday morning, it was if the Delta had exploded into fall color. What follows are images captured on the trip home to Greenwood; iconic images of the landscape that surrounds us during the fall.

 daylight over a towboat along the mighty missisippi
rust fall color of the bald cypress

  collage of fall color of a roadside cypress break along hwy. 49

even duckweed is beautiful in the fall...

 golden rod, cattails, &  johnson grass
fall colors all around

 nothing cleaner or crisper than a cotton boll

fluffy, white clouds.. of cotton

blue sky, sunny day

 classic roadside vignette

 hard to tell where the sky stops and the field begins

 dead end dirt road
 old cotton wagons in their retirement

 turn rows, ditch rows, cotton rows, and tree lines

 grain bins at rest for the season

one last stalk of green

nothing like it..anywhere on earth...